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Did you know? 70% of the world’s population has some degree of lactose intolerance.
Eating diary-free is known fro helping or resolving medical mysteries such as, headaches, migraines, rashes, stuffy sinuses, chronic infections, arthritis pain, narcolepsy and even a reduction in behavioral issues with conditions such as ADHD and Autism.
The USDA reported that the number of Americans drinking milk “decreased significantly” in 2010 compared to the 1970’s.
Many studies show that increased dairy consumption can actually lead to more acne in the skin. A lot of people report that their skin clears up after they cut dairy from their diet.
Long-awaited and well worth it. The Mehadrin Parve line is the result of careful research and scrutiny that brought you non-dairy cream cheese, butter, pudding, and sour cream with authentic flavors. Parve has never tasted this dairy.
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